Tuesday, July 13, 2010

George Steinbrenner Dies at Age 80

I know that this is not hockey related but July 13, 2010 will forever be known as a sad day in sports. Multiple outlets are now reporting that Yankees owner George Steinbrenner has passed away due to a massive heart attack suffered this morning in Tampa Bay, Florida. Known as "The Boss", Steinbrenner revolutionized the way owners in all sports ran their teams and showed how a club worth nothing could become a Championship dynasty in just a matter of years. Many of the flags that now surround Yankee Stadium with championship years printed on them are thanks to Steinbrenner and his devotion to the team.

There will be no other owner to walk this Earth that will be even remotely close to George. He was one of the most colorful people I knew and as a Met fan, I admit to having tremendous respect for him and what he was able to accomplish. Rest in peace.