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Friday, June 24, 2011


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Great with the 15th pick the Rangers draft a kid with the potential to become........ a THIRD line center??? Fantastic!!!!! No we don't need scoring no way do we need Armia, no we don't need a big playmaking center so no McNeil. I'm baffaled by this. They better make a huge deal and get some effin scoring talent on this team because I'm tired of 1 goal outputs and bullshit shootouts! Enough is enough!

As far as I'm concerned the Ranger management just became the biggest joke in the NHL! Gordie Clark my ass!

Well, I think the Rangers see something in him that we don't. They wouldn't make this pick just for the hell of it. There has to be something there and a reason for picking this kid.


terrible selection..all these bigger dudes going after him...we need size guys.. size. this guy won't cut it. total joke...


and i'm reading they're going to go 'balls to the wall' for richards...ugh..yet another drury/gomez/rosival...and the list goes on.

Time will tell on this one,the draft is such a crap shoot after the top say 10......2 things you cant teach a player is size and speed and he has both,I trust Gordie.

Come on Nick, what could they possibly see that no one else has? Just a bad bad pick! We don't need another 3rd line player we have about 16 of them now!

Your right time will tell but the trick is to shorten the time. But when you read the scouting report it's very disappointing that this kid has the " POTENTIAL" to become a third line player!!! Great he should fit right in with the other 16 we already have!


hey John, relax, welcome to the world of the Rangers, we draft 'small' this dude is not big..we need BIG forwards!!


BIGGS just got drafted by toronto....big power forward, go to the net, nasty, tough...lucic type...wonderful for toronto!!


f-ing toronto..took the guy i absolutely think the rangers should have taken!!!

If they knew they wanted this kid then why didn't they trade down and get an extra pick? It's not like this guy was a hot commodity. And by the way I have been in the Ranger world since 1966 so I've seen it before and I still don't like it and never will.!

He would've been a nice fit in the Rangers system but there were some doubts about his overall skill level. He definitely is a whole lot of nasty, though.

Well I'm technically not arguing with you... I would have went with McNeill.


oh well..been watchin this team since 1970....just don't get, in the east you need big players..so frustrating....i'm done watchin the draft.. i hope toronto outbids us for richards..we don't need a long term contract and get stuck with a guy into his late 30s.. just ask the flyers, that' why they dumped richards/carter.

Lots of fans rooting against the Rangers in Richards sweepstakes lol

He is 6 foot 1 198lbs now and he is only 18 years old, in 3-4 years when he is NHL ready he will probably be 6 foot 2 and 215lbs a Kesler,Richards type player who won gold at the under 18 and will most likely play at the World Junior tournament in December when we as fans can get a good look at him, dont know how anyone can say all this negative stuff about a player who isnt even fully grown or developed yet but most of all saying all this negative stuff without seeing him play ever.


and lastly, can't stand this versus station with TSN doing the announcing...'and we have 2 more canadian teams drafting, oh, err, but first we have the hurricanes drafting next' unreal...


Strange choice, McNeill or Biggs would have my preferences. Hopefully someone (Gordie) will come out soon and explain this decision.

He will. There will be quotes posted by media outlets over the next day or two. Will post them here on the blog.

Yeah, Canadian bias was gross.

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