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Friday, June 24, 2011


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Well, we'll just have to put our trust in him and wait and see. It was still a shock though, especially with McNeill and Biggs available.


Should've gotten a later pick and picked him. Like make a deal for oilers 19 and a 3 for this one and pick him later

In response to both of you, I was also surprised that they did not trade down if they were not going to pick Biggs, McNeill or Armia. Miller was expected to go in the 20s so I'm sure he still would have fell to them. Unless he was on someone else's radar.

As a very passionate Rangers fan as we all are, it is very frustrating to watch this team struggle to score goals. We look forward to the draft hoping against hope that we finally get a scorer after years of drafting d-men and what seesm to be at least so far a lack of goal scorers. So when yiou you see goal scorers on the board and we pass them up it's really frustrating and quite frankly it pissed me off. But it's a sunny morning now so I'll wait to see what happens, but I'm still not happy about the pick.
Did anyone expect Gordie to say anything less? I mean it is his job on the line so what's he going to say that the kid has the potential to be a third line checker?

Hey, Grimaldi is still on the board and rumor has it that the Rangers would like to move up.

Nick, I sure as hell hope so!


what are they going to move up with? they dont have a second rounder...

That's the point. They would move up to the second round.

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