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Saturday, June 25, 2011


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like I said last night, ranger smanagement has become an embarassment. I have a feeling the Dali Tortorlama had no use for Grachev so he will become a 30-35 goal player for JD and the Blues! Way to go Rangers!


I'm in complete agreement with you johnP,it is mind bogling what this idiot Sather is doing.It will be intersting to see in about 4 years when Grachev will be scoring 30-35 goals for the Blues and Fogarty will be strugling on the 4th line in Connecticut.
Sather is a Borok Oboma of the Rangers. Cluless.

I'm going to be mad when Grachev becomes a star on St. Louis. He had high potential... Rangers better come up with a damn good explanation for this one.

Amen, brother!


The excuse being given is that Grachev's agent requested a trade and with the ego that Sather has he would rather trade him away than try to figure out why he wants to leave and try to make him happy.... Far be it for us to invest in him... we're too busy with the Brad Richards fundraisers to pay his overpriced salary so he can come to NY and blow out his knee, get a concussion, or just plain ol' suck and just take his enormous salary and go buy a really expensive hook to hang his skates on when he retires prematurely on our ever escalating ticket prices... I love my Rangers and I bleed Ranger blue but come on Glen... if you're really willing to make THIS financially irresponsible of a move then perhaps you wouldn't also mind paying for my doctors bills for the ulcers you are causing me......

I wish Evgeny the best of luck! JD should be the GM and president of the RANGERS where he belongs and all of these talks would not be happening.

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