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Friday, June 10, 2011


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Chris Drury has always been a class act and big time player who came through in big times. So whether he is rich or not ( he is) or whether he was good or bad with the Rangers ( Not so good most of the time) a man lost his job. I guess he'll have to wait like the other 25,000,000 Americans for Obama to create all those jobs.LOL!!!!
Chris Drury gave his all for every team he played with, Sather and the Rangers unfortunately caught him on the other side of the mountain so it never panned out here. But Chris was a great player and leader and hockey will miss him.
Nick, is correct Sather is admitting his mistakes by ridding the team of those mistakes. However you cannot keep repeating those mistakes over and over again. Sather is lucky he has a owwner who is both clueless and classless and knows less about hockey than he does about basketball or may have been gone already. That being said I hope Slats has smartened up and doesn't go out and sign some 34+ years old " name" player for the sake of having that name or some over 30 year old player with a injury history. He needs to stay young and keep it young. If he has learned from his follies then as fans we should not have to worry about what happens JULY 1 becasue Sather has wised up! Or has he?


Agree. The biggest mistake is Sather himself and the guy is lucky to survive yet. Who is next after Drury. Gaborik? He is going down in this organization.

couldnt agree more Nick...i was happy with the extra cap space we gained but i feel bad for Drury...he was always a classy guy and a lot of fans didnt like him...he may not have put up the numbers we wanted but he was a good guy who gave it his all...best of luck to chris drury!


I have no sympathy for Drury, if he had any kind of self respect he would have retired, look at Brian Rafalski and Markus Naslund...But it's all about the money

He may still feel he can play...


Chris Drry is a class individual and I have no doubt that he gave everything he had for the Rangers.Unfortunately he did not have much to give.By signing a big contract was defenetly not his fault,he would have been crazy not to sign. So shame on Slats for offering him so much money.
As for Nick's statement that he feels sorry for Drury for losing a job,I disagree. I tell you who I feel sorry for losing their job, I feel sorry for Firemen, policeman, school teachers who's got 3 kids to feed and they lost their jobs because the towns they worked for can not provide money in the budget to keep these individuals working. For peele who lost their jobs because the factories they worked in closed to move overseas and now can not support theisr families,those are the people I feel sorry for.
I'm sorry if I sound cold but I can not feel sorry for millionairs because they lose their jobs for none performance and get 3 million plus to walk away.Come on foulks! lets put things in prospective here! I would love to be in Chris's shoes and I'am sure that most of who is reading this post will agree with me. We are talking about people who are playing a game and and are revarded generously for it. Ther is also a real world out there!

Well said and you are 100% correct! Good job!


I agree that Drury is a classy guy, and he will catch on somewhere else, and I bet he again becomes a 20+ goal scorer as a role player on a good team, but his time with the Rangers was over.

My question now is, where does this leave the Rangers on the cap? Just exactly how much cash can we spend? The team is promising, but we are still lacking in some areas.

I was also wondering how Boogaard's contract effects the payroll. I am not trying to be a ghoul or anything. I will miss the Boogeyman, and it was a terrible thing to lose such a great human being, as well as a great team player.
It's not often (thank goodness) that an active player passes away. How does this work out on the business side? Does his family receive any of his contact, and does any of it count against the salary cap? Does the organization do anything to help the family?

Please don't attack me about these questions, I am just curious about how it works.


I totally agree with scrangersfan, this guy has lots of money and he won t be hurt for being kicked out.
i always liked Chris, but he was a total disaster in the rangers uniform.
time to let someone make the big bucks


Never ceases to amaze me how my fellow Ranger fans never bat an eye at a chance to badmouth Rozsival. His last contract was inflated, sure, but you people SO quickly forget that this guy was absolutely our #1 defensemen on the best Ranger teams we've seen since ninety-seven and right up until Staal stepped it up bigtime. This guy LED THE NHL IN +/- out of the lockout and was our clear cut #1 the two times we made the 2nd round, and you guys started the boobirds as soon as Tom Poti left town and you needed a new punching bag to help your ego. Regardless, his name shoul NOT be in this article because unlike Redden, Gomez, and even Drury: Rosey EARNED his raise in Broadway Blue. You people forgot that IMMEDIATELY. We reward strangers with contracts they earn in other sweaters and turn our backs on anyone we feel like resenting. What else is new? You'll all hate Richards 2 years after we sign him, and on a long enough timeline I'd be my arm youll be badmouthing Lundqvist the same way people badmouthed Richter and Messier during their final years. New York, what a town!


Tim,I totally agree with you.I posted more then one comment in the passed stating that Rozsival was unfairly bood be the Ranger fans and when he was traded for Wolsky,I said it would go down as a bad trade.The proof is in the pudding. As you said,Rozsi was the most steady defensman and the record proove's it. The Rangers won more games with him then without him.Lots of fans are under the opinion that the Rangers need a veteran D. man and I would take rozsi in a NY.minute.


Thanks JohnP. I appreciate the kind words. I just expressed my true feelings.

Never said you should feel sorry for Drury. Nor did I say that you shouldn't feel sorry for people of the working class who have lost jobs. Just saying that Drury being bought-out shouldn't be over-celebrated.

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