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Thursday, June 09, 2011


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I guess Sather is calling the shots seeing that Avs isn't being bought out. If it was up to Torts the Charmer Sean would be gone. As far as Wolski I can see him getting moved or released if he doesn't show anything in camp. It's a good move by Slats and I'm sure he has more up his sleeve.

totally agree with these moves and non moves...like john said, i bet slats has more up his sleeve...whether its making some space for BR or anyone else he has on his radar...we will see as time goes on...cant wait till july 1st!

Right. The first steps Sather needed to take was admitting his mistakes and that he has done.

I have a feeling he is going to go after Weber in Nashville but it will have to be a sweet package going Nashville's way as Weber is an elite dman and exactly what we need. If not Suter is a possibility as he is a UFA the following year and I doubt Nash canafford both. Erhoff,Pitkanen,Bieksa and Salo are UFA's as well and possibilies as well and obviously Richards. Then tough guys like McItyre,Eager you know Slats always brings in a big boy each year.


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