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Thursday, June 09, 2011


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Tommy OB

good riddance!!!!!!!Biggest waste of a CAptaincy! He sucked anyway! Another Broadway BUST!!!

And stay away from Richards! I don't have a good feeling about him coming here. We don't need another $7mm+ bust!


If Drury had any class, (ie: Mats Naslund), he'd retire and save the Rangers all that cap space \_ _


It was a bad contract and he HAS to go but come on now...He's 34, and I'll bet you anything after he's bought out he jumps onto a cup contender and scores between 13-22 goals next year. What started as a good fit turned bad in a hurry--he's not top tier talent (and maybe never was?) but he works hard and with a change of scenery and the right contract he still belongs in the league. We can't judge these people based on the absurd salaries our GM awards them.

We want them all to just magically disappear but they're human beings and at least decent hockey players. Drury' can still be a good 3rd line player just like Wade Redden would be the 4th best defenseman on half the teams in the league.


Well said Tim. Drury works hard everytime he is on the ice thats more then I can say for some high end players.

Maybe he still wants to play?


Just not worth what they are paying him. He is still a decent player whose best attributes are face offs and penalty killing. I would like to keep him but not for that much money.He is now more of a role player.Its now Callahan's time to wear the "C".

Frank Tulumello

Truthfully, I'll be glad to see him go. The Rangers had no business making Jager or Drury Captains. Both of them were the furthest from what I think of when I think "Leader". I was insulted when we made Jager a Captain over selecting Shanny. Shanny was someone the young guys could look up to, had the playoff experience and some Stanley Cups under his belt. Let's hope when they select the next Captain they remember a guy named Messier and his tremendous influence as a captain. No, you won't find another Mark Messier on a shelf somewhere but you can use realistic judgment and get someone close.

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