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Thursday, June 09, 2011


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You have to love the climb Fasth is making in these rankings too. When he's ready to come over, he's going to give us even more depth.

Erixon's going to be getting top 4 minutes by end of year, mark it down.

It looks like Erixon has the team made unless something goes wrong. I wouldn't mine seeing at least one other off that list make the team, just to get them some NHL time. maybe Thomas but I'm not really sure of Kreider's status.


oh please this is all just 'throwing darts' and saying hunches out loud.
besides. Cullen is a 'fantasy league' writer

Fasth but not Lindberg?
no 'props' to Kundratek? Weise? Pashnin?
Guys want to dump on Grachev, who is only 21 and 3 months old, because the Ranger promoted him too soon?
Bourque and Thomas are Smurfs, lots of talent and hustle, but as we've seen with Prucha and Zuccarello, betting on the next Martin St.Louis\Doug Gilmour is risky business.
And RE Johnson, he wasn't even #1 in Hartford last year.

I am not dissing any of our prospects, I hope they all have great NHL careers.
But its hard to project on any rational basis, when only Valentenko has played much against men.

The great news is the deep pipeline.

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